The Two Hills Adult Learning Council is dedicated to providing quality programs and services for all adult residents in the County of Two Hills. Our main focus is foundational learning programs and courses, such as computers and literacy, that enable individuals to improve their skills and their ability to function within society.
Going the extra mile!
Other services we offer are:
assistance with on-line applications
setting up and accessing on-line accounts
Our Community Adult Learning Program focuses on these areas
Adult Literacy and Foundational Learning: English language learning (ELL), volunteer tutor program, basic computers, numeracy
Money Matters
Community Capacity Building: community & family development (Scams and Frauds, Mental Health Workshops), workplace readiness, computer & technology training (Microsoft Word and Excel), communication skills.
Learner Support Services: Post-Secondary information, computer and internet access, knowledgeable referrals
The Learning Center meeting rooms and board rooms are available for rent. Access to computers, projectors, video conferencing equipment is also available. Call for information on rentals and fees: 780-208-3754
9 Workplace Essential Skills
“Through extensive research, the Government of Canada and other national and international agencies have identified and validated these key Essential Skills for the workplace. These skills are used in nearly every job and at different levels of complexity. They provide the foundation for learning all other skills and enable people to evolve with their jobs and adapt to workplace change.”
– Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)
formerly Human Resources and Skills Development Canada
Reading is understanding information in the form of sentences or paragraphs. Workplace examples: reading instructions from an equipment manual, reading flight information on a computer screen.
Document Use
Document use is reading signs, labels, lists, or drawings; interpreting information on graphs; and entering information on forms. Workplace examples: interpreting building height information from a blueprint, getting price information from a product catalogue.
Numeracy is using numbers and thinking in quantitative terms to complete tasks, such as estimating amounts, scheduling, or analyzing data. Workplace examples: calculating the amount of change to give to a customer, preparing budgets for the company.
Writing is conveying ideas by writing text and writing in documents, such as filling in forms or typing on a computer. Workplace examples: filling out a form to request equipment repairs, writing an annual report about the company’s activities for the previous year.
Oral Communication
Oral Communication is using speech to give and exchange thoughts and information. Workplace examples: informing a customer about a company’s services, making a presentation at an office meeting.
Working with Others
Working with Others is working with co-workers, as a member of a team, or in a supervisory position. Workplace examples: coordinating tasks with co-workers to cater a banquet, working as an assistant to help a supervisor complete a task.
Thinking is evaluating ideas or information to reach a rational decision. Workplace examples: making a diagnosis about a patient’s condition based on observations and the patient’s medical reports, resolving a customer complaint.
Digital Technology
Digital Technology is using computer applications or technical tools such as word processing, e-mails, or spreadsheets. Workplace examples: using a spreadsheet to make budget calculations for a project, completing financial transactions using electronic cash registers.
Continuous Learning
Continuous Learning is ongoing learning as part of work, through on or off site training, or from co-workers. Workplace examples: receiving on-the-job mentoring about a new company procedure, attending a convention to learn about new products.